Wednesday, December 21, 2011

If children who have Progeria are dying at 12 with heart disease, HBP, strokes etc then isn't that just aging?

How can one blame fat people for problems such as heart disease, High blood pressure, strokes, wrinkles, cataracs & etc, when children with Progeria are dying of the same diseases. They have not had time to damage their bodies through lifestyle and diet! That tells me that heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes & aneurysms are cause by AGING and not so much by one's weight, diet or lifestyle!! I;m not saying that one can not help oneself through diet and lifestyle, but dangit this is rediculous. And another thing, if my body is made up of flesh, fat and has the ability to make milk, then why is it sooooo bad for me to put those things back into my body? Just a thought.... I really think the medical community is nothing but a bunch of STUPID trends. Remember when mothers milk was inferior to formula...not any more. remember the 4 food groups.....not any more. remember when people were SUPPOSE to carb load.......not any more. Fat people are getting the blame for everything and i'm sick of it!!! The only thing that these kids don't seem to get is diabetes BUT... everyones pancares has a limit and it will litereally get worn out. my 102 year old grandma now takes insulin but its not because she never took care of herself, it's because she's old!!!


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