Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Disarming a nation: What does history teach us?

Modern history says it more then past. England and Australia both began with national registration then progressed to banning certain fire arms for public safety and have progressed to the point that basically their is none allowed or allowed to be kept at homes. Canada is not far behind and with the current administration it will start here also soon; national registration, banning ownership of "ault rifles" and semi-automatics, then ban them all. President Obama backs this and has throughout his career, the current AG disagrees with the "interpretation" of the Constitution applying to the civilian population and the Supreme Court which rules it is an individual right is either wrong or people mistake what they said. The 2nd Amendment was written to protect the rights of individuals and give a means of resistence should the government become tyrannical and this is often stated in the writings of the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Constitutional lawyers widely agree that was the intent and it is an individual right but a minority say otherwise and that includes the "Constitutional lawyer" who is the current President. HR45 is step one and the "promised" Executive Order to re-instate the "ault rifle" ban will come with an expanded definition of "ault rifle" then it will progress from there. Disarming the population is not the gateway to tyranny but rather the opening of the flood gate and final step to allow it.


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